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Why Do I Need To Sign The Petition?


The Elmbridge Borough Council car park and New Berry Lane are included in the scheme. If this land is not transferred by agreement, then the scheme cannot go ahead…

This issue requires immediate action from all residents and businesses, namely.


The petition will demand that the Council do not release this land. If the land is released, then Elmbridge Borough Council will be party to a scheme which is likely to be a disaster for our village.

It’s Time To Object!

Sign the Save Hersham Centre Petition
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I am writing to you in my capacity as Hersham Ward Councillor of Elmbridge Borough Council and also on behalf of my fellow Hersham Ward Councillors...

Hersham Should Be Proud

The Shaping Hersham Online Survey is now live on the Elmbridge Website. This is your chance to have your say.

Where are we now? Sept 2024

At this point, Hersham should be proud. We have made our views known loud and clear, without rancour and always relying on facts and reference to planning policy.