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Why is Hersham village in danger?

  • The planning application seeks to demolish half the Centre, cut car parking capacity from 270 down to maximum 127 spaces and build 2 residential blocks – up to six storeys high – overlooking existing residential properties, Havers Ave, Paul Vanson Court plus Burhill School.

So, what’s the problem?

  • In addition to the adverse effect on local residencies, the proposed revised car park may no longer be viable for ALL local users in Hersham. Indeed, it may be insufficient for Waitrose alone! All remaining shops in The Centre, including Waitrose, are in danger of closure. All the leases in The Centre come to an end in Spring 2025, adding to the uncertainty. Hersham Centre may become derelict!

What about all the other shops and businesses in Hersham?

  • The majority of shops and businesses outside The Centre itself rely on the existing car parks. The knock-on effect of the latest proposals will be at best uncertain, at worst catastrophic.

So, what can be done?

  • Hersham has spoken, with over 2,850 objections and nearly 3,300 signatures on a petition.

What can I do now?

  • Sign up to our Newsletter Below AND Join our Facebook Page [Click here]Spread the word at every opportunity with friends and family. Have conversations. WhatsApp groups, emails, facebook, all social media.


More details below…

Save Hersham Centre

At this point, Hersham should be proud. We have made our views known loud and clear, without rancour and always relying on facts and reference to planning policy.

Save Hersham Centre

After months of stalling, the developers have finally submitted further information, under planning reference 2024/0498

Save Hersham Centre

We thank the many people who are taking an interest in this application, and it is entirely appropriate to now express our deep concerns, even anger, about the very recent turn of events.

Save Hersham Centre

On the matter of height alone, having regard to the developers own figures, the residential element of the proposed scheme is completely against the grain of the locality and grossly out of keeping with the immediately adjoining 2 storey residential properties of Havers Ave and Paul Vanson Court and the maximum 2 storey buildings of Burhill School.

Save Hersham Centre

The developers have released a 6 page leaflet and updated their website. The leaflet and the content on the website are riddled throughout with inaccurate statements, incorrect statistics and reports.

Save Hersham Centre

The planning application was registered by Elmbridge Borough Council on 22 March 2024 and the period of objection has now started. You may now make your objections known. Elmbridge Borough Council have requested comments by 26th April 2024.