I am writing to you in my capacity as Hersham Ward Councillor of Elmbridge Borough Council and also on behalf of my fellow Hersham Ward Councillors...
There are three ways to object:
Car Parking Survey. The raw data has been submitted, but the developers’ conclusions are wildly incorrect.
To state that there is plenty of spare parking in the surrounding roads of Hersham is simply WRONG. Are Waitrose customers expected to park in Trenchard Close, Back Green or Thrupps Lane then walk back to their vehicles laden with their shopping?
Revised Drawings. The Section drawings are misleading as they do not show the full extent of the proposed buildings.
The Residential Element. Height, mass and scale of blocks up to 6 storeys high. Overshadowing.
Overbearing. New Berry Lane is unsuitable for traffic access. Serious danger to school children. The new Viability Assessment confirms that Affordable Housing will NEVER be provided on this site. It is also confirmed that the 54 space parking provision will only be suitable for a communal, retirement scheme, not the proposed 109 residential units. Parking guidelines require double that number.
The Retail Element. Permanent loss of 50% of the units occupied by local successful businesses. The future of all remaining businesses, including Waitrose, is uncertain.
The Car Parking Element. Reduction in car parking from 270 to 128, including loss of Elmbridge BC car park, in contravention of planning guidelines. Most current users, including Doctors Surgery, parents of Burhill School, customers and staff of all retail and other business, St. Peters Church, all visitors to Hersham Green, Riverside etc. will be unable to park. The developers own ANPR data shows that 128 spaces is totally inadequate.
I am writing to you in my capacity as Hersham Ward Councillor of Elmbridge Borough Council and also on behalf of my fellow Hersham Ward Councillors...
The Shaping Hersham Online Survey is now live on the Elmbridge Website. This is your chance to have your say.
At this point, Hersham should be proud. We have made our views known loud and clear, without rancour and always relying on facts and reference to planning policy.