2025 is going to be pivotal for the future of Hersham. All residents, businesses and all stakeholders and everyone with any interest in the future of the community must be aware of these issues...
I am writing to you in my capacity as Hersham Ward Councillor of Elmbridge Borough Council and also on behalf of my fellow Hersham Ward Councillors...
The Shaping Hersham Online Survey is now live on the Elmbridge Website. This is your chance to have your say.
The Shaping Hersham Online Survey is now live on the Elmbridge Website. This is your chance to have your say.
At this point, Hersham should be proud. We have made our views known loud and clear, without rancour and always relying on facts and reference to planning policy.
After months of stalling, the developers have finally submitted further information, under planning reference 2024/0498