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A Further Message for Businesses in Hersham

The business community is now well aware that the proposals are likely to be announced by the developers in the relatively near future. 


We are still not yet aware of the details but our studies of the previous plans conclude that such a redevelopment will be a disaster for our village.

    • Future of Waitrose is uncertain
    • Demolition of half the retail space with massive loss of local, successful businesses.
    • Total loss of Waitrose car park, developed into residential use in blocks up to 6 storeys high with inadequate car park provision.
    • Reconfiguration of car park to include Elmbridge Borough Council car park which is NOT in the ownership of the developers
    • Use of New Berry Lane which is a private road, NOT in the ownership of the developers
    • Only 134 spaces provided in reconfigured parking, which is grossly inadequate for ALL the businesses in Hersham which rely on the facility.
    • Viability of all businesses is uncertain, possibly catastrophic.
    • If you are not affected directly, the knock on consequences for all businesses will be obvious and irreversible.

When the planning application is registered, time will be critical. There will only be about 3 weeks to lodge an objection.

It is critical that every business and interested party makes an individual objection. Block or group objections will only count as one objection so it is imperative that everybody objects accordingly within the time limits.

We will be in touch again at the appropriate time to set out more specific advice concerning valid grounds of objection. In the meantime…….


Hersham Shopping Centre - High Streets Not High Rise
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