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The Scheme and Elmbridge Borough Council


Elmbridge Borough Council own the pay and display car park and New Berry Lane and these areas are integral and essential to the scheme.

It is undeniable that the developers have invested a considerable amount of time, effort and money to get to this point, but all would be to no avail if there was no agreement by the Council to sell or lease the land to the developers, either now or in the future should planning permission be granted.

Loss of Waitrose car park, Elmbridge Borough Council have confirmed that, whilst discussions have taken place, they do not have an agreement with the developers at this moment in time and will not have any further discussions until the planning process is completed. It is equally fair to say that it has not been confirmed what will happen should planning be granted.

Given the strength of feeling in Hersham it does seem an appropriate time to ask the Council a simple question:

Is it your intention to negotiate the sale of the land, or lease the land, or in any way grant access to the land to the developers should planning permission be granted? 

Perhaps it is also appropriate to ask yourself 2 questions:

  • If you were the developer would you draw up a scheme that included land which was not in your ownership without an agreement or understanding in some form from that owner which would enable you to deliver the scheme?
  • If you were the Investment Fund owner of the land, having speculated a great deal of time and money so far, be prepared to spend even more time and money to pursue this particular scheme without at least some understanding of the position of Elmbridge Borough Council?

Perhaps the answers to the last 2 questions will never be answered, but the first question to Elmbridge Borough Council should be.

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I am writing to you in my capacity as Hersham Ward Councillor of Elmbridge Borough Council and also on behalf of my fellow Hersham Ward Councillors...

Hersham Should Be Proud

The Shaping Hersham Online Survey is now live on the Elmbridge Website. This is your chance to have your say.

Where are we now? Sept 2024

At this point, Hersham should be proud. We have made our views known loud and clear, without rancour and always relying on facts and reference to planning policy.