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Shaping Hersham

Survey until 20th Oct 2024

Shaping Hersham

The Shaping Hersham Online Survey is now live on the Elmbridge Website.

In Hersham, we have a strong village community that is deeply passionate about preserving its green spaces, parks, riverside, local shops, and the people who make up the neighbourhood. Residents are committed to maintaining Hersham’s unique character, fostering support for one another, and ensuring the community spirit continues to flourish.

Currently, much of the community’s energy is focused on various proposed and potential developments within the village. However, Elmbridge Borough Council would like to broaden the conversation and has made the following commitments to Hersham’s residents and businesses:

  • Engagement – Elmbridge Borough Council wants to hear from you about your community. What do you love about Hersham? What could be improved? How important are parks and green spaces, for example?
  • Collaboration – Elmbridge Borough Council is eager to work with you on setting future priorities for Hersham.
  • Support – Elmbridge Borough Council aims to support and empower the community to continue thriving in Elmbridge.

With this in mind, the ‘Shaping Hersham‘ engagement will begin on 23 September and run until 20 October.

This engagement will include face-to-face drop-in sessions, giving the Council the opportunity to listen to the community directly, as well as an online survey.

The face-to-face drop-in sessions will be held on Wednesday 2 October, 11:30am to 1:30pm and Wednesday 9 October, 4:30pm to 6:30pm at:

Hersham Centre for the Community
7 Queens Rd, 
KT12 5LU

The ONLINE SURVEY will be accessible via the Councils website and available in an alternative format if required, for residents to share their views.

The Hersham engagement survey will be open for the duration of the engagement period, the 23 September to the 20 October.

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