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Proper Public Consultation Is being Denied

Proper Public consultation being denied

We thank the many people who are taking an interest in this application, and it is entirely appropriate to now express our deep concerns, even anger, about the very recent turn of events.

We have been aware for some time that various parties have requested further information regarding the application, which of course is entirely reasonable and expected in an application of this complexity. However, what is entirely unacceptable is the very recent publication of material that the developers and other parties have had several months to prepare, with the expectation that we have only about 21 days to respond.

One example of this is the Viability Assessment prepared by the developers on 1 February 2024. This contains important and highly relevant information, on every level, but it was only published by EBC at the beginning of August 2024. The reason for this delay is a matter of speculation – we are not at this stage prepared to add to that speculation, but it is a fact that retention of such information is very much advantageous to the developer.

The appalling conclusion by the developer of this Viability Assessment, which has been withheld from public view for 6 months, is that Affordable Housing will NEVER be appropriate for this site.

Other examples include the publication on 14 August 2024 of a very large amount of further information, including very complex parking surveys which will require proper and forensic examination.

It will be completely unacceptable if EBC do not grant our request to delay the Planning Committee to hear this case to November at the earliest.

There appears to be a very uneven playing field here, but we will do everything we can to ensure our Councillors are in possession of all the facts before any decision is made.

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