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Planning Application Received by Elmbridge Borough Council


The developers have submitted an application to Elmbridge Borough Council. It is likely to take several weeks for Elmbridge to register the paperwork.

Bearing in mind the importance of the application, the objection period is likely to be about 28 days from the date of registration.

It is understood that the application closely follows the proposals already put forward, namely:

    • Loss of Waitrose car park, redeveloped into more than 100 residential units in blocks up to storeys high, as close as 18m from existing low rise residential properties. Half of the residential units accessed from New Berry Lane.
    • Demolition of 50% of the retail units, excluding Waitrose, to provide land for a revised car park.
    • Reduction in car parking facilities from 270 to 134. 115 of these spaces will be formed from demolition of half the shops and repurposing the service yard area, the public conveniences and the existing Elmbridge Borough Council car park. 19 spaces will be formed by utilisation of land at the side of the main entrance.

Details of when and how to object will follow. 

Guidance on reasons to object will also be provided but in the meantime the following observations are relevant:

    1. The height, scale and massing of the residential blocks are out of keeping within the character of the low rise buildings that surround all sides of the site, including the school. All properties adjacent and close to the site will very badly affected. Such a development would also set a very unwelcome precedent.
    2. Permanent loss of 50% of the retail units, all of which are local and successful businesses. All retailers wish to stay and carry on with their businesses.
    3. Permanent loss of 50% of current parking facilities. Revised parking facilities in numbers and design and the required provision for disabled spaces, EV charging, mother and child and trolley parking are likely to result in an inadequate facility for Waitrose alone. So, where do the following park…….
      • Customers for all the remaining retail units
      • Customers for all the other shops and businesses in Hersham
      • Overflow from the inadequate parking in the new residential area
      • Patients for the Doctors Surgery
      • Burhill School parents and visitors
      • St Peters Church
      • Visitors to The Green and Riverside Walk

There is also rapidly growing concern about the incorporation into the scheme of the Elmbridge Borough Council car park and New Berry Lane. Please refer to further bulletin entitled The Scheme and Elmbridge Borough Council.

When the time comes, it is vital that everybody registers an individual objectio

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Be ready to object
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