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Hersham Should Be Proud

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Elmbridge Borough Council Planning Committee reject Hersham Green Shopping Centre planning application.

The vote was unanimous. Councillors, after a full and robust debate, having considered statements and questions to the applicants and the objectors, voted 14 – 0 against the development. This is a tremendous achievement and every single person in Hersham should be relieved and delighted.

So, what happens next?

The developers have 6 months to lodge an appeal. If such an appeal is lodged the SAVE HERSHAM CENTRE campaign will fight it every step of the way. As well as an appeal they may also submit, at any time, another application.

We will forensically examine any further application and apply the same vigorous opposition as may be appropriate. We have never opposed the principle of redevelopment / upgrading of the Centre.

We remain committed to improving the Centre for the benefit and enjoyment of all.

To this end we remain committed to discuss and collaborate with anybody and everybody involved in this project.

If you were unable to attend the meeting in person you can watch it by clicking below. SELECT: 4b) 2024/0498 – Hersham Green Shopping Centre and Car Park, Molesey Road, Hersham
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