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Hersham Has Spoken


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Once again, WELL DONE HERSHAM to all that have signed the petition but just as importantly the objections.

As of 8th May 2024 the numbers stand as follows:

3,254 Signatures

Petition against release of Council car park & New Berry Lane.

1,737 Objections

Against the Hersham Centre Planning Application.

  • Objections have been registered by: Burhill School, Doctors Surgery Patient Group, Hersham Business Forum
  • Significant numbers from important local groups: Parents of children at Burhill School, Residents at Paul Vanson Court – Sheltered Accommodation
    Professional experts on: Planning, Highways seeking clarification on matters of serious and grave concern
  • Opposition from the 3 local Residents Associations: HVS, HRA and ERA
  • Published political opposition: Liberal Democrats and Conservatives.

There are still ongoing discussion and meetings taking place by the steering group and we will keep you as updated as we can.



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Where are we now? Sept 2024

At this point, Hersham should be proud. We have made our views known loud and clear, without rancour and always relying on facts and reference to planning policy.

After months of stalling, the developers have finally submitted further information, under planning reference 2024/0498

We thank the many people who are taking an interest in this application, and it is entirely appropriate to now express our deep concerns, even anger, about the very recent turn of events.