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Hersham Centre – Where Are We Now?

Planning Application 2024/0498 Hersham Shopping Centre

Save Hersham centre - 58% HIGHER THAN LIDL

Following the planning application submission by Quadrant Repurpose, Elmbridge Borough Council set out a timetable to deal with the process.

Objections and comments were invited to be sent by 26 April 2024.

The current number of individual objections registered is 1,743. The number in support is 5.

  • Every retail unit in The Centre, bar two, made an objection.
  • 80% of all the businesses in Pleasant Place, The Green and Molesey Road and within 400 metres of The Centre have objected.
  • Waitrose have published serious and grave concerns with regard to the lack of sufficient parking, both on site and in the locality. They also require detail concerning any temporary store closure.
  • Demolition of 5 successful local business units, resulting in permanent loss of 50% of retail space within the site.
  • The Doctors Surgery has objected.
  • Surrey Heartlands NHS have voiced concerns about the parking.
  • Burhill Primary School has objected.
  • Surrey CC have objected regarding surface water and drainage.
  • Surrey Transport Development Planning Officer has requested additional detailed data.

The message is clear, precise and overwhelmingly negative towards the proposals.

The developers had requested a decision be made by the Planning Committee on 11 June 2024 but this has been postponed to 17 September at the earliest because further information is required by Elmbridge BC, SCC and Waitrose.

Summary Grounds of Objection

Here is a summary of objections, indicating which published planning policies and guidelines are contravened:

  1. Local Character, Density and Design. Against current version of NPPF paragraphs 130, 133 and 134 and against EBC Local Design Code adopted in 2024. Contrary to Core Strategies CS1 (Spatial Strategy), CS5 (Hersham) and CS17 (Local Character, Density and Design).
  2. Scale, Design and Siting. Against DM2 and DM12 of Development Management Plan 2015 and NPPF 2023.
  3. Housing Mix and Type and Lack of Affordable Housing. Contrary to Core Strategies CS19 and CS21 and Development Contributions SPD 2021 and DM10.
  4. Parking and Highways. Contrary to DM3 and DM7 of EBC Local Plan Development Management Plan
  5. Loss of Retail Space. Against CS18 of EBC Core Strategy 2011, NPPF 2023 and DM Advice Note Supporting Local Business and EBC Parking SPD 2020.
  6. Against Emerging Local Plan. HOU4 and HOU 17 regarding policy and LAA March 2024.

The overwhelming view is that the application will be a disaster for Hersham, as a community, for its residents and for its businesses.

In addition, a petition against the future potential release of New Berry Lane Car Park and New Berry Lane access road by EBC to the developers has received 3,261 signatures. These areas of land provide the keys to the development in its current form. If EBC do release this land it will result in a massive democratic deficit in Hersham which will be irretrievable.

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